Friday 20 July 2012

Lil stuff

Reaches da weekend agn :33
for long time leaving my bloggie & kinda dusty already LOL
really dusty ~___~
Kinda lazy writing nowdays :\

recently or this few years,
change a lot for me.
How change ?
yea,almost everythg change..just don't knw hw to mention it ><

da question was,
Should i be happy or upset for this changes ?
I don't knw.....

who really care wad my changes was ?
who really care those changes changed me ?
depression haunted my life since then.

im kind of strong cuz i can motivate myself .
i understand myself more than others ! 
just wad made everythg complicated was all those situations .
Leave it for nw,don't feel like talking abt it . 

Well,recently my sch had just done Sports Day n its my favourite event afterall :3
all my sadness,worries,depression 
has just been put off on tat day :)
everythg starts n end frm thr for me .
not everyone could understand it cuz they don't feel wad i feel .

big question to all Olson.(sch sport team)
"How big was ur RESPECT to this team ?"
"How important was this team for u ?"
my purpose for asking these was nt to show off wad this team had n not to quip anyone .
Everyone own to their teams n everyone surely working together hardly .
Champion ?
i'm dissapointed with all those ignoring their LITTLE job as a team member .
just a lil job . 
Just think abt it b4 u wanna criticise those tat working hard for their own team.
mayb u'll think tat im over sport or over active,n Sorry,i'll tell u tat im just working as a part of team member . Its a responsibility .

still,wanna thks to all tat working together as a team to make us agn da champion for 10years continuously :D 

Sch days were awesome but sometimes it didn't .
especially EXAM ! 
1st August goin to b Exam 2 n this is ridiculous =___=
after tat goin to be end of year's exam n i'm goin 17 for SPM !
how fast ?!!
this is ridiculous ! I'm haven't tall yt !
time really pass by as fast as it can...
felt like im a baby with old age -______-"
for all these,i cant do anythg...

thinking my dream agn ~
i realise i din even make them true !
Dancing ? Guitar lesson ?
my LIFE ! n how come i din even step myself in it ?
all bullshitssssssssssss .

i hope i stop talking abt i love it n wanna do it b4 i do it !
sadcase :(

let me tell y i love dance . 
its like a sport for me 
n its full of spirit,full or energy,full of hapiness n it gvs satisfaction.
Dance n sport was something tat make me express my hard n pain.
and i decide them as my dream.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

永远 ♥

emotion was like sucks ya noe··

damn hard 2 meet ya,n da time end so faz.
lol ?
i'm damn tired`finally i got da chance`
but no chance to let u noe every single sucks thg in my days`
cuz i dwn u to leave here wv uncalm n unhapi heart n feeling··
sorry for nt telling da truth .
sorry for making u doubt on wad i reali meant of for u .
sorry for wad i did b4 . 
sorry for making u feel ignored .
sorry for everythg i did in ur life .

stupidity never chance i noe `
wad i cn make it 100% is to b stronger for u (:
only u to da strongest me . 

U .
build ur future , b an successful person in urself .
pls nvr drown in those failures !
do good , b great n make reality success to b urs .

i believe u.juz over everythg..u wil make it . 
i trust u forever kie ?  


Saturday 21 January 2012


What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a condition in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Some people with insomnia may fall asleep easily but wake up too soon. Other people may have the opposite problem, or they have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep. The end result is poor-quality sleep that doesn't leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up.

What is transient insomnia?

Transient, or short-term, insomnia is inadequate or poor-quality sleep lasting anywhere from one night to a few weeks. Transient insomnia can be a single episode or recurring episodes of insomnia separated by periods of normal sleep.
On the following slides, MedicineNet provides sleeping tips intended to help overcome transient insomnia and maximize the chance of getting a healthy night's sleep.

Heres10 Tips to avoid Insomnia (:

Sleep tip*1

Keep the room free of clutter and distractions. Be sure you have the right bed and mattress for your needs. The wrong mattress can lead to musculoskeletal problems and sleep disturbances.

Sleep tip*2

Use the bed only for sleeping and sex. Avoid use of the bed for watching TV, eating, working, or any other activities. If you are one of the many people who wish to use the bed for a bit of nighttime reading, read only pleasure books in bed.

Sleep tip*3

Therapists often use "reconditioning" as part of a treatment plan for insomnia. With this method, people are "reconditioned" to associate the bed with sleep. If you find yourself unable to sleep at all, get out of bed and move to another room, so that you only associate the bed with sleep and not with wakefulness.

Sleep tip*4

Establish a regular sleep-wake cycle. Your body will learn to set its internal clock to your schedule and will eventually respond to internal cues to become sleepy at a given time and to awaken at a given time. A good way to begin this is by getting up at the same time every morning, even on weekends.

Sleep tip*5

No matter how tempting it may be, an afternoon nap can make falling asleep at night even harder. "Extra" sleep on weekends can also throw off your sleep schedule and worsen midweek insomnia.

Sleep tip*6

Limit your consumption of caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Remember that eating chocolates and drinking cocoa and colas also are sources of caffeine.

Sleep tip*7

Don't drink any alcoholic beverages in the few hours prior to going to bed. Excessive amounts of alcohol at any time in the day can also disrupt sleep patterns and lead to unsatisfying sleep. Cigarette smoking can also worsen insomnia.

Sleep tip*8

Fit in some exercise during the day, but don't exercise strenuously right before bedtime.

Sleep tip*9

Eating heavily in the evening or eating just prior to going to bed can disrupt your sleep.

Sleep tip*10

Establish a "winding down" period in the evenings just prior to bedtime. Try to free your mind of distracting or troublesome thoughts and engage in a relaxing, enjoyable activity like reading, listening to music, or watching a pleasant film.

a'lil brief insomnia treatment for ya all .
but i think most important to avoid insomnia was STOP THINKING  every stuff
& just rest self frm those ridiculous stuff .

Show ur Mercy for ya life ! 

Monday 26 December 2011


2011 gonna over soon ~
hav some fun b4 the sch eve . ARGHH !
Christmas nite went McD wv 3 buddies after work 2 release ma tireness 
n 2day get up early 4 jog wv same 3 buddies n go swimming with'em n some others buddies too :D  
GOD imma damn TIRED ! :OO  
ply-ing in da water for abt 6hours more -3- since mornin LOL
cant breath well cuz of lung problem -.- i guess cuz i took too much of cigg .__.
hu cares ? I'm HAVING FUN !  

Stop ==
i felt flooding HAHAHAHA !!! XDDD
turns dark after 1/4 of a day in da water dude --
Red dark face in condition nw hahah 
anyway im having fun wv correct ppl naww (: never regret (:
mayb think alot abt those stuff , but stil much more 2 come next . 
life is busy enuf of future plans n nt da past (: 
i did wrg agn & agn in d past . i wish i gonna change it so well n true :\

Imma fucking regret cuz of tat stuff , itz fucking damn REGRET ! 
btw , frens . stop asking me those question i dun even reali wanna ans u naww . 
i ans u honestly , but i dun ned next ppl wv same suck fucking damn question k ? 
ur problem , my problem , ownself solve for ownself (: 
i dun care hw great r u or hw bad i m naww . juz get lost frm me .

nvr the old but the latest (; 
so , shut off ur ass if u dun like it . i never care ur opinion in negative sense in ur own mind . (:

i dun ned 2 talk more here naww . itz juz a gossip around those bitches yeahh.
mind of ur own business dude ! u dun get great 2 c ur own excess n other's lacks . 
rmb tat ! 

2011 end wv my pleasure by passing those sucks days / it never return 2 me bec anymore 

hapi days to my pleasure viewer ;) stay positive HERE .

Monday 14 November 2011

Love + Trust = ?

world (:

Justice juz could nt exist .
so do Love
once u said it , it wont chance .
once u mean it , u cant regret .

Trust was the most important matter in Love .
totally important .
Trust was like a piece of paper , once crumbled , it wont b perfect anymore .

after a few days end this relationship , the girl was so sad .
thinking bec all her stories wv her loves one..all was END . it ends..
she said to herself tat she wil learn frm this n wish the guy wil learn frm they mistakes too.
it started whn she loses her trust after she 1st saw something tat nt should she see .
it was something tat made her trust melt .

 she saw all this wv her eyes n she told herself , "let it Vonn..just 4get it..u was juz click somethg wrg mayb.."
her heart was like "i noe he was hot , n girls loves him + flirt him...but he did promises me tat only love me one..only me ! ...  but y he look nice wv those girls ? he replies every of her messajes . i never knew y he did tat unless he was reali a familiar person..n he kinda kind wv all girls.. Von juz keep it..dun make thgs worst !"
her heart was so mad actuali,she was sad too...sad cuz she dun even know y to deal it wv correct ways.
but she ended up keeping it frm her loves one..

but her emotion was she was like rarely find her loves one after tat day..
so,one day Von's guy,Kelton find her.He ask her whother she was busy ? look like so many days missing frm him.. Von was like stun to answer him...she juz say,No i'm nt.. Kelton was like nothing n he started his humour n make jokes wv Von..hahha..Kelton was making lame jokes like wv usual couples talking craps n his questions suddenly make Von think abt the thg she saw few days ago n she answer Kelton seriously.
Kelton get her answer n he was like WTF ?! hw she noe tat ! Many questions grows in Kelton's mind thought then... he straight ask Von , "hw u get all those news uhh ?" Von answer him cooly,u gave me all the stuff n i was click somethg wrg n i saw it..... cn u xplain all this ?

Kelton was stun.he stop his conversation.and after a few hours Von opn bec was she saw,and she got error whn opn it..and she realises Kelton close it or else was private it.
she was mad , damn hell mad ! she sms Kelton n ask "Y u do tiz ? u close it ?"
slightly Kelton replies "Yes,i did tat girl.i'm sorry 2 let u c all this.i close it cuz i felt i shouldn't let u get all this earlier..i'm sorry girl..i juz love u one n no others..i swear."
Von asked him "so y u wanna close it ? so tat i cant prove tat u did tat ? or u n tat girl was having own honeymoon ? u juz cant believe tat !"
Von was fucking angry was in her anger.n Kelton juz cooly answered her "i'm juz telling u d truth.if u dun trust..i cant force u..i reali love u !"
Von was crying lonely in her situation dealing all her stuff..she trust Kelton so much until reali hurt herself ? 
this was da question... Trust too much would make problems ? or trust was da problem ?

Von just hold all her problems n keep frm Kelton..she did love she juz day by day do like she reali 4get all this..n one day Kelton find her agn..n they nvr argue.Kelton trying 2 cheer Von.n Von gv some gud reaction 2 him either..
but months to months , Von n Kelton was juz like the wind n time passing.. they nvr chat so hapi anymore . juz few times was yes..

Time passing so faz...Months pass by..n one day,the day Von was working,Kelton find her agn n get some chat.. Kinda cool chat .
Kelton was tat day aim to get bec the gud memories wv Von.. n he told Von tat he wanna everythg settle 2day . He don't wanna pass by like this.. Questions grows in Kelton's mind n started ask her serious questions..but he apologize 1st..
til the part..Kelton said "u reali meant it ?" Von 1st was giving Kelton a chance agn 2 choose between End or no . then Kelton ask Von to do tat decision cuz she gave him chances so many times..n nw is her turn..
Von was thinking so deep n she reali love him n nvr thinks 2 leave him..but she decided last...Break da relationship..  

it Ends ....

Von hav her own reasons 4 breaking her relationship.. cuz .
she love Kelton . she wanna gv Kelton freedom in his heart , loving her was making him suffer .. 
and she hope she nvr make Kelton suffer loving her.. so let off her was da best decision . ( at tat time )
cuz Von love him so much n so do Kelton .
but they ended wv tolerance wv heart loving each other .
is tiz fair enuf ? loving n ended up in such decision ?

After tat..Von cried for so many hours althought working..she was holding so hard.. n finally cant make it up.. her True Love was worth ? 
nw everyday she was crying 4 missing the guy she loved..n nw too..
but Kelton was dissappear . Von suffering all her True-ness .
Blame fate ? or Blame herself ?

Answer was just inside urself .

Saturday 12 November 2011

Friday 11 November 2011


How it was ?
juz a simple day wv a beautiful date .

nvr eat dinner yt 
tumblring n blogging 
listening to beautiful songs 

World was so beautiful n i realise it . (:

i cn feel it but i could hold it .
was a sad thg in life .
just watch it moving n acting infront of me , 
waO ! unfair ! 

i couldnt say anythg 2 get it if i doesn't deserve enuf 4 it .

i understand .

sometimes feel self so stupid of thinking n reminding self abt the useless memories tat wouldn't cum bec ···
but it stil stick on mind larr.. 

hard 2 4get whn reali get deep hurt .
scar . deep scar .
cuz i reali love tat ppl .

tat fello said i nvr love tat fello otherwise love my ex ?

fine ··
as long i noe i love U dude . (':

tats most important . 

i rmb , i noe , i realise , i feel it .
enuf ?

it was awful painess i admit .
tat so wrg till i cant even opn my heart n leave it .

if i didn't . i wont drop my tears even think or reminded even abt..
juz think yr name if was enuf . cry life hell . 
i swear i didn't cry like tat after the day i break wv u n the day i fight wv my mum til next day i get out of my house without telling anyone abt it .
i did tat dude..tat was da day i reali need u .
but i came out without my phone n just got few money wv me.

childish ?
but i'm serious .
end wad i too love my mum . i bec . 
i noe it couldnt solve anythg. cuz of emotion on condition i did it..
i changed my mind dude.. tat time did think abt wad u told me .

becum a gud girl . 

i bec (:
i dwn u think i reali naughty n over til tiz limit dude.. 


i hope u saw wad i wanna tel u .
all tiz i wrote i dun care hu ever say bad thgs here -.-
i juz care ur eye 2 watch it n understand it.. 

otherwise i hope v can chat or hang out one day...cuz soon u'll going outstation..i couldn't c u agn.. 

FATE was meant . 
i hav 2 accept it..